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Archive for December 2009 in a classroom setting, both learners and instructors have to play certain roles in an e-learning environment. These roles are vital, for they specify and clarify the responsibilities that are essential to guarantee efficient and rewarding learning experiences for both parties.

In e-learning, students are encouraged to become independent learners. This only means that the learning experience does not solely depend on the instructor’s efforts. Certain amounts of preparation must be done, and certain amounts of effort must be exerted by the student in order to productively contribute to online learning.

Primary to this is self-awareness. Students must become aware of themselves, their personal expectations, as well as the expectations of the instructor. Thorough assessment of their personal skills, work ethic, behavior, and attitude is important in order for them to rouse constructive changes or modifications within themselves. It is important that they understand their motivations/value for learning.

Orientation is second. Students enter the Elearning Software Solutions environment at the different levels of preparedness. Before engaging in formal learning, the student must orient himself (preferably with the aid of the instructor) with the course content, computer, internet, virtual classroom, software, classmates and the instructor himself.

The third role is discipline. As mentioned previously, e-learning requires a student to be an independent learner. An e-learning environment has minimal structure as compared to that of a traditional classroom setting. This means that the student must follow the course schedule and complete assignments in order to maximize learning.

Fourth is self-direction. In relation to independent learning, the student must be able to motivate himself and take the initiative in the expansion of his learning. For example, if he has trouble with certain content, he cannot expect the instructor to offer help; but instead, he should ask the instructor a question directly.

And fifth, the student must be internally and externally motivated. This means that he should comply with class requirements, or strive to learn because of a particular interest. In e-learning, students may choose the content the best interests him.

Be sure to check out Elearning tools for more. 🙂

December 2009

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